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valentus wand title
gesa wizard

Cheerful, confident, passionate, appreciative -- these traits may not evoke your idea of The Four Faces of Eros, but this erotic lover possesses these virtues and more -- fidelity and honesty among them.

Vorel is happily situated on the most idyllic of the seven planets. In the vibrant orange sky, the four moons of Alsetiel form a symphonic dance of ever-changing patterns. This is the romantic stage on which Vorel may flourish. His delightful spirit fox, Epicus, mirrors and enhances the gifts of this most sensual of wizards.

With magic wand Valentus in hand, this pleasure-seeking wizard intends to teach by example — make love not war.

The wand is 14 inches long and made from hand-carved, high-density hardwood.


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